Patrick Penner

Picture of Patrick Penner

I'm a scientist and a programmer specializing in computer-aided drug design. I have been studying and working with drugs for almost ten years now.

I believe as scientists in drug research we can have a lot of impact on people's well-being and society as a whole. For that reason we are under an imperative to perform this work in a responsible and goal-oriented way. Of course, it's also a lot of fun.

This little website will give you an overview of the things I do. Maybe some of them can be useful to you. If you have any questions and comments please email me at


Patent Molecule Associations

Whether a molecule is currently patented, or has ever been patented, is a surprisingly difficult question. In my master's thesis I developed a set of tools, for example a knime node, to automatically extract patent information for molecules based on the SureChEMBL dataset.

Publications: Master's Thesis
Code: Closed Source (inte:ligand)

Cheminformatics InChI SureChEMBL Java PostgreSQL MySQL
Halogen Bonding in Pharmacophores

Halogen bonding is a somewhat controversial protein-ligand interaction. Nonetheless, it can be useful in very specific pharmacophore searches. This feature was implemented in inte:ligand's LigandScout Molecular Design Platform.

Code: Closed Source (inte:ligand)

Java Pharmacophores Halogen Bonding Interactions Structure-based

FastGrow is a fast shape-based method for structure-based fragment growing. It uses the RVM shape descriptor to generate poses, a pharmacophore-like interaction mode, and the JAMDA scoring function.

Publications: RVM Shape Descriptors
Code: Closed Source (Group of Matthias Rarey)

Shape-based Structure-based Data-driven Geometric algorithms Pharmacophores C++ PostgreSQL SQLite
FastGrow Webserver

An open source webserver for fragment growing using FastGrow. It is intended as a low barrier to entry way to try out various features of FastGrow.

Code: Backend Frontend

Javascript Python
Torsion Library

I inherited the Torsion Library project during my doctoral thesis and reworked large parts of it, most visibly the tooling.

Publications: Torsion Library
Code: Closed Source (Group of Matthias Rarey)

Structure-based Knowledge-based Conformations Structure quality C++ Python
Torsion Analyzer Webserver

An open source webserver for evaluating molecule conformations using the Torsion Analyzer. The Torsion Analyzer itself is a commandline tool. This server breaches the gap to the user with a proper visualization of its results.

Code: Backend Frontend

Python Javascript

I was involved in sanity checking my colleague Louis Bellmann's chemistry, as well as fruitful discussion about the subgraph enumeration algorithm.

Publications: CSFP
Code: Closed Source (Group of Matthias Rarey)

C++ Fingerprints Chemical similarity

SpaceLight is very much Louis Bellmann's achievement. I was mostly there to sanity check chemistry, but also to consider parts of the algorithm itself.

Publications: SpaceLight
Code: Closed Source (Group of Matthias Rarey)

C++ Combinatorics Fingerprints

I was one of the first users of JAMDA. My feedback about the results and the code led to several improvements, such as restrained optimization, though clearly most of the credit belongs to Florian Flachsenberg.

Publications: JAMDA Scoring
Code: Closed Source (Group of Matthias Rarey)

C++ Scoring Ranking Optimization